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Easy Ways To Practise Self Care

Self-care is one of the most important things you can do, not just for yourself but for those around you. If you ever feel guilty for indulging in a spot of daily self-care then just remember that you can’t feed from an empty cup. So whilst self-care has become a bit of a buzz word within wellness circles, that doesn’t mean that it’s not important.
In fact, research has shown that by making sure that you practice an act of self-care at least once a day, you’ll find your stress levels will be lowered, your productivity will increase and you’ll feel happier and healthier.

Why do we fail at self-care?

The act of self-care should be easy right? Well, the fact is, that most of us are so busy with our work, families, friends and everything us that me-time is usually the last thing on the agenda.  Even worse, we can sometimes feel guilty for carving out some time just for us, even if we need it.

So instead of thinking you don’t have time for self-care, try one of our easy ways to practice self-care starting today…

Treat yourself to some fresh flowers. Fresh flowers can transform a room or even your desk, why wait for someone to buy you a bouquet.

  • Treat yourself to a glass of wine, a bar of chocolate and your favourite film/tv program.
  • Run a bath, light some candles, add a few drops of essential oils and lie back and relax.
  • Treat yourself to a face mask, hair mask and just lie down for 15 minutes and close your eyes and relax.
  • Cancel any plans that you don’t want to go ahead with. Don’t feel bad about cancelling, sometimes your needs need to come before others.
  • Take the dog for a walk. Don’t have a dog? Then check out our blog post on forest bathing (link below) for a truly immersive experience.
  • Take a social media break. You will be surprised how much time is taken up by endless scrolling and you won’t miss out on much.
  • Eat something comforting but healthy. There’s nothing better than a good bowl of homemade stew or soup. So whip yourself up a nourishing dish.
  • Listen to music that makes you happy. Whatever the genre, if it makes you smile and sing along, crank it up. There’s nothing better than a good dance and sing-song to make you feel good.
  • Have a nap! A night of good sleep can make all the difference. Whether you chose to treat yourself to an early night or you indulge in an afternoon nap, just sleep. Use lavender essential oils on your pillow or on the inside of your wrists to help you relax and drift off into the land of nod.

Remember self-care isn’t just an indulgence, it’s a necessity.



Forest Bathing https://breathe360.uk/want-to-feel-happier-and-healthier-try-forest-bathing/